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Invasive Procedures



Comprehensive Cardiovascular Specialist is at the forefront of treating advanced heart disease. We are committed to providing state-of-the-art technology and treatment to the community. 




Pacemaker and Implantable Cardioverter
Defibrillator (ICD)

What is a pacemaker?

      A pacemaker is a small-battery operated device that helps your heart beat regularly. Some pacemakers are surgically implanted and permanent. Other pacemakers are external and temporary. >> Visit our Arrhythmia Clinic


What is an Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD)?
     An implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) is a small-battery operated device that provides an electric shock to your heart to stop any life-threatening arrhythmia. 
>>Visit our Heart Failure Clinic


How do I prepare?

  • Detailed instructions will be provided in person at the office once test is scheduled.

  • If you are unable to keep your appointment, please notify our office and the hospital 24 hours in advance.

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      Make an Appointment



Copyright 2021 Comprehensive Cardiovascular Specialists


Contributors to this Website:

Rachel Wang

Ethan Fung

Rita Lee

Ethan Lew


Alhambra Office

220 S. First St.,

Alhamba, CA 91801


Montebello Office
101 E. Beverly Blvd., Suite 103
Montebello, CA 90640

Pasadena Office
630 S Raymond Ave, #204

Pasadena, CA 91105

Garfield Office 

320 S. Garfield Ave., Suite 312, 
Alhambra, CA 91801


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